
2017-2018 Performances

KORCOS 2018 Conference Opening Performance

Date November 17th, 2018
Location Gyeonggi-Suwon International School
Songs Gilnori, Yeongnam Nongak
Sangsoe Ellen Funderburg
Janggu Gaia Brusasco, Karissa Van Liew, Aiden Hobbs
Buk Minoru Ohkusa, Laura Stan, Amulya G
Jing Noriko Ohkusa

Folk Music Stage with Dansimjulnori & Ganggangsulle (by Invitation of Yedotongcheon)

Date September 9th, 2018
Location National Folk Museum of Korea – Museum Courtyard
Songs Pilbong Nongak
Janggu Ellen Funderburg, Gaia Brusasco, Karissa Van Liew
Sogo Haingo Tiana
Maypole Minoru Ohkusa

Global Culture Year End Festival

Date December 9th, 2017
Location Suwon Yeongtong Public Library
Songs Pilbong Gilnori, Seoljanggu, Yeongnam Nongak
Janggu Gaia Brusasco, Ellen Funderburg, Karissa Van Liew, Amulya G
Buk Gaia Brusasco, Amulya G, Karissa Van Liew
Jing Ellen Funderburg
Guest Performers Sangsoe - Gilnori: Seo Shin-seok, Busoe - Gilnori & Sangsoe - Yeongnam Nongak: Han Yong Wunrow

21st Gurye Dongpyeon Sori Festival – As "Shinpats"

Date October 14th, 2017
Location Gurye
Songs Yeongnam Nongak, Jjaksoe
Sangsoe Han Yong Wunrow – Shinparam
Busoe Martha Vickery – Shinparam
Janggu Gaia Brusasco, Stephen Wunrow – Shinparam
Buk Martha Vickery – Shinparam, Karissa Van Liew, Ellen Funderburg
Jing Ellen Funderburg
"Shinpats" Combined team of Expats Samulnori and members of the Shinparam team from Minnesota, USA

Neighborhood Events & Pungmul Performances

2017 Lotus Lantern Festival Group Photo
August 11th, 2018 Danggogae Beautiful Concert Series
September 24th, 2017 National Folk Museum of Korea Hanmadang
September 23rd, 2017 331st Nowon Arts Festival
September 2nd, 2017 Danggogae Beautiful Concert Series
July 1st, 2017 Danggogae Beautiful Concert Series
June 17th, 2017 Dream Village Culture Festival
April 30th, 2017 2017 Lotus Lantern Festival – Maypole
April 8th, 2017 Nowon Imperial Court Culture Festival

In the Media

This Life/A World Worth Living In

Program Still Frame
Filming Date September 9th, 2018
Original Air Date October 4th, 2018
Channels OBS (This Life)
MBC (A World Worth Living In)

Heart to Heart 2018: The Expats Samulnori

Filming Dates July 5th, 2018
July 15th, 2018
Original Air Date July 23rd, 2018
Channel Arirang TV

2017 Chuseok Special Edition: Drawn by the Rythms of Korean Traditional Music

Munhwa Ilbo Article
Publication Date September 28th, 2017
Publisher Munhwa Ilbo

Foreigners Who Love Korea – Expats Samulnori Team

Seoul Story Article
Publication Date August 16th, 2017
Publisher Seoul Story